Hello there!
I’m Enzo, a 2D artist, art director and designer from Siracusa, Italy.
I work as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer since 2014, after my first degree in Graphic Design, and during these years I had the chance to work in almost every possible field, from luxury brands to videogames. Speaking of which, I spent the last four years working on announced and TBA projects in the field of videogame and CGI media attractions for various clients all around the world, mainly as a storyboard artist and concept artist. I’m also an author for the italian publisher Tora Edizioni, for which I curated covers and inner illustrations for various books. I’m now working on three graphic novels.
Since 2021 I’m a adjunct professor of Art of Comics at the Fine Arts Academy in Catania (Italy).
I love horror in all its forms, nerd culture, and tech. All fields for which, in one way or another, I have worked.